Frequently Asked Question

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What are the steps to follow for integration to your Sandbox services?
Irrespective of the service to consume the integration follows the same steps:
  1. Register on the sandbox to receive your credentials
  2. Export the collections to your postman client (On your local machine)
  3. Generate your token using the credentials (token service can only be found under collection but also be used for payment service)
  4. Using your token you can now test your payment or collection services
I have registered for sandbox access but did not received my credentials
Please check your junk mail or reach out to support team at (EcobankSandboxSupport@ecobank.com).
Where do I get the bank codes to be used for INTERBANK Payment type?
For the Sandbox testing, kindly use the default values provided, however for live transactions, the Ecobank team will share the list.
I keep getting the error “403 Forbidden…”, what am I doing wrong?
Ensure you always pass the Bearer token and the Origin as part of your header parameters.
Which order should I follow for Dynamic QR generation, there is more than one endpoint.
You first need to identify your business category code which can be fetched from the ”MCC” endpoint, then the “Merchant Qr Creation” endpoint to create your QR code. For payments use the “Dynamic Qr Payment” endpoint.
Can I change values in the payload when testing?
No, you only need to leverage on the predefined data to test your coding logic along with the expected response.
Where can I find the credentials requested for in the Token endpoint within the Collection section of this API?
This is automatically sent to the email ID used during the Sandbox access registration process.
When using the payment section, do I still need to generate the Token and which endpoint should be used?
Yes, you still need to generate the token and pass it as an Auth parameter, Bearer Token. The endpoint to be used is https://developer.ecobank.com/corporateapi/user/token
Can I add more parameters to the hashing validation service?
No, it only takes five parameters and is meant to help you validate your hashing algorithm with any data of your choice that you will be providing for each of these parameters.
When done testing with the Sandbox, how do I get live access?
Submit your request for production onboarding by clicking on “Register for Go Live”. You will be required to provide the earlier credentials that you chose when completing the Sandbox access registration process. Once fully authenticated, complete all steps that will be presented to you.
How do I contact a support team?
You can send an email to the following email ID: EcobankSandboxSupport@ecobank.com